中央财经大学,教授 联系方式:haizhong@cufe.edu.cn
(1) 2003-09至 2007-07,加拿大麦克马斯特大学,经济学,博士
(2) 2002-09至 2003-08,加拿大麦克马斯特大学,经济学,硕士
(3) 1997-09至 1998-09,英国伯明翰大学,经济学,硕士
(4) 1991-09至 1995-07,中国人民大学,市场营销,学士
(1) 2013-09至 今,中央财经大学,中国公共财政与政策研究院,教授
(2) 2010-09至 2013-08,中央财经大学,中国公共财政与政策研究院,副教授
(3) 2007-09至 2010-08,中央财经大学,中国公共财政与政策研究院,助理讲师
1. Meng, X., Zhong, H., 2019. Helping-hand corruption, bribery contests and private-side caused persistent corruption, The Manchester School 87(6): 875–889.
2. Zhao, J., Zhong, H., 2019. A demographic factor as determinant of migration: What is the effect of sibling number on migration decision? Journal of Demographic Economics, 85: 321–345.
3. Zhao, J., Zhong, H., 2020. The impacts of adult child migration on the health of elderly parents left behind in China. Canadian Studies in Population, 47: 151-168.
4. Liu,Y., Zhao, J., Zhong, H., 2022. Grandparental care and childhood obesity in China. Social Science & Medicine - Population Health, 17: 101003
5. Lu, Y., Xu, M., Yin, X., Zhong, H., 2023. Why does a ruler tolerate corruption and how can corruption possibly be eliminated? Forthcoming, Singapore Economic Review.