创新发展学院中国公共财政与政策研究院教授 联系方式:Jianmei@cufe.edu.cn
2007.5 美国伊利诺伊大学-香槟分校 博士
1. Zhao J., Zheng, J., and T., Li, 2024, Does e-commerce offer a solution to rural depopulation? Evidence from China. Cities, 152: 155105.
2.Zhao* J., and L., Zhao, 2022, Mobile payment adoption and the decline in China’s household savings rate. Empirical Economics, published online.
3. Liu, Y.,J., Zhao*and H., Zhong, 2022, Grandparental care and childhood obesity in China,SSM population health, 17, 101003.
4.Zhao* J., 2021, Formal credit constraint and prevalence of reciprocal loans in rural China,Open Economics. 4:1-13.
5. Zhong, H., andJ., Zhao*, 2020, The impacts of adult child migration on the health of elderly parents left behind in China,Canadian Studies in Population.47:151–168.
6.Zhao* J., 2020, Internet usage and rural self-employment in China,Asian Perspective. 44(1):77-101.
7. Wu, X., andJ., Zhao, 2020, Risk sharing, siblings and household equity investment: evidence from urban China,Journal of Population Economics. 33:461-482.
8.Zhao*, J., and H., Zhong, 2019, A demographic factor as a determinant of migration: What is the effect of sibling number on migration decisions?Journal of Demographic Economics, 85, 321-345.
赵建梅, 2015,独著,《信贷约束与农村非正规金融研究:基于农户融资的视角》,中国人民大学出版社。获北京社科联出版资助和中国金融图书《金羊奖》。